
Some errors might be encountered after an API request is made and a response is returned.

Validation Errors

Validation errors occurs when one or more validation rules are not met. For example, not passing a required field in the body of a request this causes a 409 error

Status code : 409 - Conflict error

    "required field": [
        "error message"

Authentication Errors

Authentication errors occur when you fail to authenticate a request or pass the correct authentication key or when you pass in an invalid key. For example making a request without an authorization key.

Status code : 401 - unauthorized

    "description": "Please provide an auth token as part of the request.",
    "title": "Auth token required"

Another instance of authentication error is making a request with a key that doesn't have permission to perform that request.

Status code : 403 forbidden

"message" :"error message"

Other Errors

Last updated